NPM packages preperation
June 15, 2024
I’ve been preparing my visual programming system for publishing to npm. The codebase was already modular but I’ve split it up a bit more. But there are some dependencies that I want to change in the near future:
- tailwind is used for css styling, but I want to switch to a pure css solution.
- monaco-editor is used for the code-editor, but I dont want this to be part of the npm packages and be able to define the used code-editor from the outside. The default editor will be a simple textarea.
- the storage provider: currently indexeddb is used. This should be configurable from the outside
- loading examples is currently done via static json files. This needs to change.
Currently the build proces uses NX and Vite, and publishing and versioning I do manually. I want to automate this in the future. Furthermore, I wonder if NX is the right tool for the job. I know there are alternatives like turbo and lazy-repo. I will investigate these in the future.